Friday, May 21, 2010

Long Time Awaiting

 I feel like I have been away for months! But I have returned to working on building O'Baby Fashions and I'm so excited to share with all my customers of today and customers of tomorrow my new baby layettes! That's right something NEW! 
 Firetrucks is a new Layette baby boy pattern. It really is so cute! My own little boy has a Kimono just like this one. It fits big as of right now; but each day he is growing and because the Kimono is made to fit until 6 months of age it is perfect for him to just lounge around the house in. Also perfect to go outside in. Because on a nice spring day no one wants to wear bulky jacket.
 When I found this extremely cute hat pattern I was so excited! The hat fits  16" diameter around your baby's head.

Overall this cute 3 piece Baby Boy Firetruck Layette set is not only cute but function-able. Be-sure to stop by my shop and check out my other Layette gift sets.

 Also be sure to look us up at Facebook just click on the Facebook icon and join up with us to keep up with up and coming events and merchandise!